Friday, July 20, 2012

Fall Creations Have Arrived!

The crisp autumn air will be here soon and the kids will be back in school in no time. . .but, fall has actually already arrived in the store!

Here is a little peek at some of the new fall creations:

Large Fall Word Set $16.99

 Harvest Word Set $16.99

 Large Hanging Pumpkin $13.99

 Large Hanging Scarecrow $16.99

Remember, this is just a little peek at some of the new fall crafts in the store. Be sure to stop in to see all of our new fall creations.


  1. I live in Mona, Utah (by Nephi) and was wondering if there is some way I can see what you have in your store, maybe in a catalog? I have been looking for something like this for years! There used to be a shop like this in Lindon, Ut, but it closed years ago. I (obviously) can't run up there and look in your shop, and I am freaking out that I might miss out on your cute Halloween projects (I just found you somehow on Pinterest). Any way to help me?
    Tamra Jackson - farrson at g mail dot com

  2. Tamra, we do not have a catalog, but we are working our our website now for online ordering. We hope to have it up and running within the next few weeks. Our Thanksgiving will be out this week and there is also some super cute stuff!

